

For many people day to day life can be stressful, causing worry and anxiety which can lead to poor health. By learning to meditate and becoming more mindful you have the opportunity to deal more effectively with daily events; feel more content, in control, at peace, relaxed and able to enjoy life. You can learn to meditate with me in two ways:

• 1-2-1 Sessions – in which I teach you on an individual basis how to meditate. I will introduce you to a number of methods and guide you through them till you find one that is right for you. I use coaching techniques to help you get in to the habit of meditating so that you can benefit from it whenever you want to. (The cost for three 1-2-1 sessions is £99)

The Introduction to Meditation Course – involves practical sessions in which you learn meditations for bringing calm and balance in to your everyday life. In a small group you learn to develop the skill of meditation, getting support and ideas from others that are also learning to meditate. The course aims to encourage you to create a daily meditation practice, it runs for 6 weeks, includes a folder, hand outs and 1-2-1 support. (The course costs £99)

I also run regular classes that you can attend and make some time simply to relax.

Weekly Relaxation Classes – Come along, relax and have some time just for YOU. The weekly classes are a wonderful opportunity to access a place of balance and peace within through mindfulness and guided meditations. You are always guaranteed a warm welcome. (The cost is £6 per session)

Life Coaching

Coaching aims to help and empower you to make and achieve personal goals – in the workplace, at home or in your relationship with yourself and others. It gives you an opportunity to; explore, plan and take action to LIVE MORE OF THE LIFE YOU WANT TO. My role is to champion you along with plenty of encouragement, inspiration, motivation and support. (Each session is 50 minutes long and the cost is £40)

Stress Management

We all experience stress at some point in our life. However, when we are stressed for prolonged periods of time it can take its toll on our health and well being. That’s why effective stress management is essential in restoring inner peace and physical health. On a 1-2-1 basis we meet so that you can identify how stress is affecting you and confirm what practical steps you can take to readdress the balance in your life. (Stress Management sessions cost  £40 for 50 minutes) 

Reiki and QHEH Therapies

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is carried out by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Quantum Holographic Healing is a therapy that takes you on a guided journey  through various stages of self healing and discovery, helping to release anything that can limit your way of life.

Both these therapies are reported to work on an emotional, physical and psychological level and the benefits that have been noted include: feeling relaxed, at peace, a reduction in pain, a better quality of sleep and generally an improvement in well being. (Treatment sessions are 50 minutes and cost £35)